Barbie and Beyond: Unpacking the Film's Real-Life Lessons
Exploring its impact on feminism, identity, and society
"Barbie and Beyond: Unpacking the Film's Real-Life Lessons" explores the film's impact on societal norms and challenges. Join our insightful writer, Grace Hans-Bello, as she delves into feminism, identity, and societal perceptions. Grace analyzes the film's representation and implications on our modern world with a unique lens.
Even after two weeks, the ardency surrounding Barbie shows no sign of dwindling. Amid the ongoing excitement surrounding the film, enthusiasts and critics alike are crafting think pieces and disquisitions, each endeavouring to validate its perspective. In the thick of this discourse, it is essential to remember that film is art, and as opposed to facts, art is subjective, and it lies on its viewers to perceive and critique based on their own beliefs, experience and opinions. Not so surprisingly, Barbie’s impact transcends mere aesthetics, delving into the fabric of contemporary society. Interestingly, the discussions it has stirred up include sensitive topics such as misandry and feminism, reflecting the diverse lenses through which society views these topics.
The most anyone expected from the Barbie movie was a fun, lighthearted portrayal of Barbie being herself and the complexities of being everything she wants to be and Ken, of course, being Ken. This expectation changed when Ken transformed into the antagonist. Unexpectedly, the plot also took on elements of a feminist manifesto. However, the plot took a sharp turn when Ken became the villain, and no one expected a feminist manifesto from the plot line. As the story began to unfold, Barbie’s initial routine in Barbie Land consisted of typical Barbie activities that didn't change until moments of change and introspection occurred—these moments allowed the film to delve into uncharted territories of an existential crisis. In this regard, Barbie’s experience is universally relatable.
The Barbie movie explored the hidden nuances of a self-discovery journey and widened the feminist discussion on the possibilities of an idealistic matriarchal society compared to a patriarchal one. While Barbie Land did not subject its Kens to subjugation, Ken’s entire persona was intricately linked to Barbie, leaving him devoid of an independent identity beyond striving to impress her. The same was not the case for Barbie when she arrived in the real world to find the child that plays with her.
While speaking to Josephine, a medical student at the Windsor University School of Medicine and R. Moyo, a PhD candidate in Sociology at the University of Cape Town (UCT), both presented similar yet contrasting perspectives on the film.
Josephine experienced a complete shift in her movie expectations when she realised that Barbie was more than just a stereotypical pink and girly film. Instead, it unfolded as a profound journey of self-discovery and self-actualisation. Contrary to popular perceptions, Josephine understood that Ken’s experience might be misinterpreted by many, as she saw it as a perspective deeply rooted in femininity. “Ken felt what it was like to be a man in the real world and not just an accessory to Barbie. Like he was in Barbie Land”.
She also believes that comparing the matriarchal society shown in Barbie Land to how women experience real life is not inherently as dangerous and limiting. In contrast, men control things quietly in the background in the real world. She believes in a society where men and women co-exist peacefully, with neither holding more power. For Josephine, Barbie represents a realisation of feminism and a motivation to become better.
Moyo’s perspective on the Barbie movie is more critical of the depictions of feminism. As much as Barbie is a witty commentary on modern-day feminism, it demonstrates heteronormativity. Moyo elaborates that while the feminism depicted in Barbie serves as an inspirational guide for young girls to explore and comprehend their identities, it retains an idealistic Barbie-esque world because it does not account for the intersectional experiences of real individuals.
The interests of the Barbie world represent traditional hegemonic femininity that does not account for masculine-presenting women, trans women or femme-presenting non-binary individuals.
In the context of the matriarchal and patriarchal worlds, Moyo recognised that Barbie’s utopian matriarchy pales in comparison to Ken's adherence to patriarchal principles. Moyo explained that from a holistic standpoint, the issues in the movie remain predominantly issues that middle-class heterosexual women experience. It lacks an intersectional approach; therefore, it only represents a fraction of the diverse range of women’s experiences.
The main focus of Barbie at the end was gender balance, despite its initial framing as a film tailored for feminists. Because it is a work of art that is always subjective, individuals will naturally perceive it through varied lenses, forming diverse opinions. Barbie was a call for men to be who they want and approach life without carrying the expectations of what people idealise as masculinity.
It recommended approaching masculinity from a personalised point of view. Barbie offered a satirical portrayal of women's real-world challenges, shedding light on the potential drawbacks of constructing an idealistic fantasy world like Barbie's.
In the real world, patriarchy does not just dictate marriage and motherhood as the ideal thing for women but also presents women with dynamics that indicate a certain level of substandardness compared to men. These dynamics enforce misogyny and violence.
Ken's metamorphosis from a gentle loverboy to a fervent patriarch resonates as a poignant allegory, offering feminists a nuanced tool to forge a more harmonious society. Within Barbie's narrative lies a multifaceted reflection of the arduous journey toward authentic selfhood amidst the conventional backdrop. As Barbie breaks free from her prescribed role, she navigates uncharted territory, redefining herself and questioning societal norms. This narrative underscores the significance of unearthing individuality and embarking on an introspective expedition. This endeavour has the potential to unearth not only self-awareness but also a profound understanding of one's intrinsic value.
This is a beautiful article. It showed every single aspect of what the Barbie movie was and was not and that is what makes this wonderful.